Aquarium Keeping Tips

Throughout this journey, I gathered tips and tricks that have helped us keep Axl healthy. Not everything is easy, and we've learned by making plenty of mistakes. Hopefully, this information will help you avoid some of the potholes we encountered. Check back, as we occasionally add updates.

What is "cycling?"

Cycling refers to the nitrogen cycle of an aquarium. In the nitrogen cycle there are 3 naturally occurring chemicals in the water that happen in sequence: 

This conversion from ammonia to nitrite to nitrate to nitrogen gas is known as the nitrogen cycle.

Non-negotiable Basics...

Aquarium Materials

Filtration: Filters & Media

There are many benefits to the type of filter that you use. I would use the filter that best suits your needs and style of cleaning and maintaining. Always use a filter fit for your tank size. 

Size in Gallons

Axolotls are non-negotiable in terms of aquarium size. They are messy eaters and stomp on their poop which turns to powder and goes all over the aquarium floor. A 20 gallon is minimum for one axolotl. They are also very sensitive to ammonia, nitrate and even nitrate levels above 20ppm. Axolotls also grow very fast, and considering the time that goes into cycling a  tank, it is worth it just to get a 20 gallon from the beginning. Increase the number for each additional axolotl. 40 gallons for 2 axolotls, 60 gallons for 3 axolotls. Optimal filtration and water changes when necessary is a must. 

Aquarium Decor

Axolotls are clumsy! They don't have eyelids, aren't strong swimmers, and vacuum in their food. These adorable amphibians require compromise with the owner to keep a beautiful yet safe aquarium. Here are tips, dos and don'ts:



Axolotls swallow their food like a vacuum and they are very clumsy and goofy animals. To avoid impaction, it is a good idea to have the ideal substrate that will not harm your axolotl. 

Any other ideas for tips we should add or try? Send us a message and let us know!